Nikko and I are settled in at our great spot overlooking the Senator Wash Reservoir....25 miles north of Yuma, AZ. Eventho' we were here last year and the view isn't "new", it's still wonderful to wake up to every morning! :-)
It does seem like we were just here, tho. What happened to the summer? I'll have to go back into my own blog archives to remind myself! LOL!
I'm pretty sure Nikko remembers this site. If I take him off his long lead which is attached to the RV just for a he goes! And he knows I'm coming after him. He'll stop for a second like he's waiting for me...I get a little closer....and he darts off again. I really wish I could just let him go, but of course, free roaming isn't allowed here. He got spoiled at our summer stops....most everywhere I could just let him out to run around on his own. It is cooler now, so we can go on long walks again. Isn't he handsome? :-) All muscle! No fat! Still loves his Bil-Jac food!

A golfing buddy was going to Los Algodones, Mexico a few days ago to the dentist, so I tagged along to get some prescriptions filled. It's only an hour away. Meds are 1/5 (or better) the cost there. And, actually, you don't even need a prescription. Anyway, we just went down for a little while. I just hung around on the four corners near the pharmacia while he was getting his teeth cleaned ($25). There are literally about 400 (maybe more!) dentists is this small border town. All the "snowbirds" go there for dental work when they are here for the winter.
As you would expect, there are vendors everywhere vying for your
attention.....and purchases!
This fellow was an amazing artist with just cans of spray paint!
Color everywhere!
I'm not a big tequila drinker, but there are so many different kinds to choose from!
I didn't find the prices to be all that much of a discount, tho'.
But I suppose the intrigue is the variety.
My friend's dentist is where the large tan sign is.
He says she's fantastic. Very direct - no nonsense.
Just does what is necessary and out you go!
Of course there is a lot of jewelry. Notice -- no price tags.
Haggling is expected and welcomed!
I wasn't in a buying mood this time, so I didn't let the vendors draw me in,
but maybe next time! There were some nice inlaid pieces.
I did purchase one thing....or should I say, a pound of one thing....fresh JUMBO shrimp! 8 = 1 lb!
All I added was about a pound of garlic and a pound of butter! LOL! That was a filling dinner!
So, that was our little jaunt across the border. Nothing spectacular, but certainly a change of scenery!
Speaking of scenery, here are a few more photos of the scenery around area. All these were taken from my parking spot. Really can't beat the views from here!
These are walking and ATV trails.
Layers of landscape!
I know --- LOTS of brown! But, hey, it's the desert! To me, anyway, it is still beautiful. It really comes to life when the sun is rising or setting. Everything glows at those times of day.
Between a lot of wind and a mix of clouds and sun, I caught this very cool sky prism yesterday poised at the far end of the reservoir. Usually they are rather small wisps of color, but this one was huge! It only last a couple of minutes. I looked out my window at exactly the right time!

I'll be cooking up a storm here in my GoSun Solar Oven....the sun is in full force most all the time here. (Yuma has the most sunny days/yr of any city in the U.S.) I heated up some left over pasta with chicken, tomatoes and parmesan for lunch today. It got piping hot in about 20 minutes....maybe less, but that's when I checked it...everything was so moist...nothing dries out in the GoSun. Tomorrow I think I'll bake either some blueberry cake or almond poppy seed cake and I'll roast a pork tenderloin. I'll post some pics next time! Again, if you are interested in the GoSun....for home, vacation, the beach... anywhere there's sun, even if it's cold outside, here's the Amazon link. It is a super great invention! Help save the planet!
Thank you for shopping Amazon via my link!
Check out these handmade items from talented artists!
Very unique gift ideas. I love looking at these pieces of art, even if I don't buy anything!
Handmade by Worldwide Artisans
I need to check into the details about opening a store for my Aura two are ever alike.
I made this set for a friend to give as a Christmas gift.
They look nice in person.
Southwestern Motif
From Nikko and I, Happy November and Happy Trails!