Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Look Back ---- Mar 22, 2015

Well, tomorrow marks my 9th month and Nikko's 2nd month as a full time RVers!  Where does the time go?  I know many of you are happy it has gone quickly and taken you out of the cold and snowy winter!  

I am doing last minute checks around the RV.  Nikko and I are planning to pull out of our winter Yuma BLM site in a couple of days.  Our first stop will be a couple hours away... more free, BLM land!  It will still be desert, tho'.  But more about that when we get there....

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for sticking with me (or recently joining me) on this adventure.   There have been 10,500 views to date! It has had some trials and tribulations, but for the most part, no more than living any other way....just different.  I've gone back through my photos of the day to day memories I've experienced here at this winter may like seeing them again - or it might be the first time you have tuned in.  They are no particular order.  

Thank you, also, for shopping via my Amazon links. Please stop here first to go to pay the same...and I make a small commission.  It helps me afford to continue publishing this blog. Graduations, Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up!  Gift cards are for everyone for every occasion!  

Okay ---  Here's a look back at my "winter" here, outside Yuma, Arizona, enjoying the great people I have met who also embrace this simple, yet rewarding, lifestyle....and great weather, of course!  Just words needed!  

That's the wrap up from the Yuma BLM winter!  No snow!  
Now we are looking forward to new summer adventures...on the road(s) less traveled... 
Please come with us and see the sights!

So long, for now, from our home to yours....


  1. Save travels! Thanks for taking us to warmer places this winter!

  2. I am so glad you did a recap of your winter! Hope you enjoy your new adventures over the summer! Keep us all posted!

  3. I have enjoyed 'the ride' with you - my afternoon pepsi break includes reading your blog.

    You will NEVER go back. I know. You sound like I did 25 years ago when I kicked the corporate habit and went on my own. Scary and a bit unknown, but once through that, I knew I would never will go back to the grind.

    So I get it.

    Keep 'em coming....Larry

  4. Looking forward to the adventure....Safe travels!

  5. Tiff, As always your photos just blow me away. I have got to know how you produced the picture of Castle Dome that is beige on the top and blue on the bottom. It would make a wonderful painting. If you allow it may I use it? Mary, SC

    1. I think I see the photo you are referring to, was taken right at sunrise, out in the desert. The colors were actually a bit bizarre...I did very little post-processing on that photo, but I may have had a filter on my lens. It's just the desert in the morning! Of course, you may use the photo for a painting....just be sure to let me see the end product!
